Sanchez Martinez
Senior Product Operations Manager
Juan's passion is to learn about innovative approaches to work because he believes that having a diverse toolkit is essential to helping teams and managers solve the challenges that keep them awake at night. He likes to work closely with people to understand their context, so we can co-create solutions that are tailored to their context.
16 May 2024 15:30 - 16:30
Interactive roundtable discussions
Explore the challenges your product peers are facing, get the answers you've been searching for, network, and connect in this insightful & collaborative roundtable session led by product operations experts. Discussion topics include: - Introducing GenAI as the newest team member - Prioritization techniques: Balancing competing demands and maximizing impact - Operations scalabilities: Strategies for growth and efficiency - Development and career paths for product ops professionals - Building product operations group up in high-growth companies - How to communicate asynchronously